An Encouragement from our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
“Character and Trust” are what we are measured by, which starts at the top with Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Jim Tate. These values set a true barometer with every relationship, feeding into one load at a time at Overdrive Global. From the drivers and owner operators, to the seasoned dispatch teams, and all across our boards of directors, we strive to deliver much more than freight, but trust and confidence so you can sleep at night.
Our leadership team is always marking the calendar with your business in mind before the sun comes up, and mostly while the moon is cascading around the night hours. Our domestic team, coupled with our brightest of minds within global theaters, will proximate your business using the latest technology with efficiency in mind without delays. The problems aren’t broken trucks, and delayed traffic. The problems are YOU NOT KNOWING ABOUT IT. Our seasoned staff plan around untimely events and keep you abreast so you can make decisions ahead of time.